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페이스북 트위터 
One Day
剑桥双语分级读物·小说馆(第2级):一天 검교쌍어분급열독·소설관(제2급):일천(영한대조) One Day
판매가 5,500원  할인내역

구분 할인
기본할인 2,500원
적립금 30원
배송 택배 70,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
전자상거래 상품정보 제공 고시
도서명 剑桥双语分级读物·小说馆(第2级):一天 검교쌍어분급열독·소설관(제2급):일천(영한대조) One Day
저자, 출판사 内勒 (Helen Naylor) (作者), 顾莹 (编译), 张莉 (编译),北京语言大学出版社 북경어언대학출판사
크기 19.4 x 12.6 x 0.6 cm
쪽수 95
ISBN 9787561938119
출간일 2014年6月1日
목차 또는 책소개 目录 People in the story/故事中的人物/6 Places in the story/故事中的地点/7 Before reading/读前思考/8 Introduction/引子/9 Chapter I Jason's future/贾森的未来/1 0 Chapter 2 Nina's new job/尼娜的新工作/l4 Chapter 3 Dinner at Maggie's/玛吉家的晚餐/20 Chapter 4 Sam has money problems/塞姆为钱所困/26 Chapter 5 Jason and Maria/贾森和玛丽亚/32 Chapter 6 Nina and David talk/尼娜和戴维的谈话/39 Chapter 7 Maggie's visitor/玛吉的访客/43 Chapter 8 What Sam didn't know/塞姆不知道的事J b/49 Chapter9 Fire!/着火了!/54 Conclusion尾声/59 After reading/读后活动/62 Leaming guide/学习指导/63 Translation/参考译文/72
고객평가 0건  ★★★★★ 0/5
저자 内勒 (Helen Naylor) (作者), 顾莹 (编译), 张莉 (编译)
ISBN 9787561938119
출판사 北京语言大学出版社 북경어언대학출판사
총 상품금액 3,000


  • 出版社: 北京语言大学出版社; 第1版 (2014年6月1日)
  • 平装: 95页
  • 开本: 32
  • ISBN: 9787561938119
  • 条形码: 9787561938119
  • 商品尺寸: 19.4 x 12.6 x 0.6 cm
  • 商品重量: 118 g





作者:(英国)内勒(Helen Naylor) 编译:顾莹 张莉 

内勒(Helen Naylor),英语语言教育专家、自由职业作家,已在英国语言学校教授成人英语30余年,并出版过多部语法类和剑桥考试备考类图书,现为剑桥ESOL考试出题人兼考官。 


People in the story/故事中的人物/6 
Places in the story/故事中的地点/7 
Before reading/读前思考/8 
Chapter I Jason's future/贾森的未来/1 0 
Chapter 2 Nina's new job/尼娜的新工作/l4 
Chapter 3 Dinner at Maggie's/玛吉家的晚餐/20 
Chapter 4 Sam has money problems/塞姆为钱所困/26 
Chapter 5 Jason and Maria/贾森和玛丽亚/32 
Chapter 6 Nina and David talk/尼娜和戴维的谈话/39 
Chapter 7 Maggie's visitor/玛吉的访客/43 
Chapter 8 What Sam didn't know/塞姆不知道的事J b/49 
Chapter9 Fire!/着火了!/54 
After reading/读后活动/62 
Leaming guide/学习指导/63 




She stood outside the door of his bedroom for a minute and then she walked in. Jason was sitting on the floor and looking at some photos. 
'What are you doing, Jason?' she asked. 
Jason turned off his music and looked up. 
'Do you remember this?' He gave her a photo. 'It's me when I was five, and Mafia. She was really pretty -well, she still is. It was my birthday party, wasn't it?' 
'Yes, I think so,' his mum said. 
'It was the last birthday before Dad left,' Jason said. 'I remember it very well.' 
'The party, or the day Dad left?' asked his mum. 
'Both,' said Jason. 'In my mind, they both happened on the same day.' 
'They didn't, but it all happened a long time ago,'his mum replied. She walked to the window so Jason couldn't see her face. 
Simon, her husband, left their house in Moreland Road early one moming twelve years ago. He wrote her a letter and put it on the kitchen table. And then he left.For twelve years she didn't hear from him. No letters,no birthday cards for Jason. Then, last week, there was a phone call. 'Why did you go?' she asked Simon again and again. He wanted to meet her. 'No,' she said, but she wanted to say yes. 
Jason's mum turned away from the window. 'Jason,what about your homework?' she said. 'Why are you looking at old photos?' 
'I want to find all the ones I've got of Mafia. I want to take them with me to London, you know, when I go to art school.' He smiled at a funny photo of Mafia,aged eleven. 
'It's a bit early to think about all that, Jason,' his mum said. 'You're not going until the autumn. And you don't know if you're going to get a place at the art school.' 
'I will, I'm sure I will. When I went to visit them two weeks ago, they said, "We think your work's very good.We really like your ideas." ' 
'I know, but…anyway, where are you going with Mafia tonight?' asked his mum. 
'Broad Street Bar. There's a great reggae band on,'said Jason. 
'Have you told her about going away to art school in September?' asked his mum. 
'Yeah. She's fine about it, I think,' he replied. 'I can come home at the weekends.' 
'You won't' his mother began and then stopped. 
'I know what you're thinking,' said Jason. 'But we're different. We'll always be together.'

新概念英语 第4册 流利英语智慧版学生用书신개념영어 제4책 유리영어 지혜판 학생용서
新概念英语 第3册 培养技能智慧版 学生用书 신개념영어 제3책 배양기능 지혜판 학생용서
新概念英语 第二册 实践与进步智慧版 学生用书 신개념영어 제2책 실천여진보 지혜판 학생용서
新概念英语第一册 英语初阶智慧版 学生用书 신개념영어 제1책 영어초계지혜판 학생용서

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