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페이스북 트위터 
국제중문교육중문수평등급표준 어법학습수책 (고급) 国际中文教育中文水平等级标准 语法学习手册(高等)
판매가 32,500원  할인내역

구분 할인
기본할인 13,000원
적립금 195원
배송 택배 70,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
고객평가 0건  ★★★★★ 0/5
저자 王鸿滨 왕홍빈
ISBN 9787561961858
출판사 北京语言大学出版社 북경어언대학출판사
총 상품금액 19,500


 本书为《国际中文教育中文水平等级标准》(以下简称《标准》)出台后的严格依据《标准》编写的语法学习用书,由《标准》“附录A(规范性) 语法等级大纲”的研制者主编。

  • 外国学习者自学中文的“学习—获得—交际”一体化语法学习材料 。
  • 国际中文教育专业本科生和研究生必备的学习材料 。
  • 国际中文教育年轻教师和志愿者的参考资料 。
  • 编写国际中文教材(包括本土教材)的重要参考资料。

    This book is the first grammar learning book written strictly in accordance with Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education(hereinafter referred to as “Standards”), whose lead authors developed “Appendix A (Normative Grammar Grading Outline” of the “Standards”. It has the following characteristics:

    • A grammar learning material which integrates learning, acquisition and communication for self-taught foreign students of Chinese
    • An indispensable learning material for undergraduates and graduates majoring in International Chinese Language Education
    • An important reference material for young teachers and volunteers of International Chinese Language Education
    • An important reference material for compilers of International Chinese language textbooks (including the local ones)




Grammar Learning Manual, a practical learning manual for students of Chinese language, is compiled in strict accordance with the “Appendix A (Normative Grammar Grading Outline)” (hereinafter referred to as “Grammar Grading Outline”) of Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education, which is jointly issued by the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission. This book observes the “student-centered” education idea, and advocates the natural acquisition of grammar. Grammar Learning Manual is divided into the elementary, intermediate and advanced levels, respectively corresponding to the grammar points in the “Grammar Grading Outline”. In the book, the grammar points in the “Grammar Grading Outline” are split or merged, and each grammar point is explained in detail around several dimensions, such as its “basic meanings and usage”, “typical example sentences and dialogues”, “supplementary example sentences”, “structural features” and “tips”. Based on the teaching practice, this book strives to provide some reference and support for international Chinese grammar learning and teaching.


本书由汉考国际教育科技(北京)有限公司开发、研制,由刘英林教授担任顾问,主编为《国际中文教育中文水平等级标准》“附录A(规范性) 语法等级大纲”的研制者——应晨锦、王鸿滨、金海月、李亚男四位专家。

This book was developed by Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd. with Professor Liu Yinglin as the consultant. Its Editors-in-Chief are the four experts, i.e. Wang Hongbin, Jin Haiyue, Ying Chenjin and Li Yanan, who developed “Appendix A (Normative Grammar Grading Outline)” of Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education.



目  录

国际中文教师志愿者选拔考试模拟试题集 국제중문교사 지원자 선발고시 모의시제집
国际中文教师证书 考试仿真预测试卷(第五辑) 국제중문교사정서 고시방진예측시권 (제5집)
国际中文教师证书 考试仿真预测试卷(第四辑) 국제중문교사정서 고시방진예측시권(제4집)
国际中文教育概论 국제중문교육개론(新编21世纪中国语言文学系列教材)

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