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페이스북 트위터 
The Courtesan Li Wa
彩虹桥 汉语分级读物·3级·750词:李娃传(汉,英) 채홍교 한어분급독물·3급·750사:이와전(중,영) The Courtesan Li Wa
판매가 10,500원  할인내역

구분 할인
기본할인 4,800원
적립금 57원
배송 택배 70,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
전자상거래 상품정보 제공 고시
도서명 彩虹桥 汉语分级读物·3级·750词:李娃传(汉,英) 채홍교 한어분급독물·3급·750사:이와전(중,영) The Courtesan Li Wa
저자, 출판사 侯琨 (编者),华语教学出版社 화어교학출판사
크기 20.2 x 14 x 0.8 cm
쪽수 82
ISBN 9787513811026
출간일 2016年1月1日
고객평가 0건  ★★★★★ 0/5
저자 侯琨 (编者)
ISBN 9787513811026
출판사 华语教学出版社 화어교학출판사
총 상품금액 5,700


  • 出版社: 华语教学出版社; 第1版 (2016年1月1日)
  • 平装: 82页
  • 语种: 简体中文, 英语
  • 开本: 32
  • ISBN: 9787513811026
  • 条形码: 9787513811026
  • 商品尺寸: 20.2 x 14 x 0.8 cm
  • 商品重量: 181 g









Li Wa stayed in theeast room.After hearing what her servantsaid, she felt very delighted and answered loudly at once, "Havehim wait a moment.After I get dressed, I will meet him."Knowing Li Wa was ready to meet him, Gao was overjoyed.Atthis moment, an old lady walked out of the room in the south.She told him she was Li Wa's adoptive mother and then invitedGao into her room. 
Gao walked inside the room with the old lady.He found thisroom was spaciously equipped with expensive furniture.Gaothought, "It seems that ifl don't give her some money, she won'tallow me to meet Li Wa." So immediately after sitting down,Gao took out 150 taels of silver and put it on the table.At thesight of so much money, the old lady said with a smile, "l havea daughter, and she has always been cute and cheerful.She likessinging and dancing and is also willing to make friends with aneducated young man like you.I will ask her to meet you now.Please wait here." 
Shortly after the old lady went out, Li Wa came in.She wasreally beautiful.She had big eyes, long, black hair and small,white hands.She was in red and walked gracefully.Gao stoodup in shock, gazed at Li Wa and didn't know what to say.

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